The game HoMM 5 changed the principle of character development. In general the task of the game is the same as in the previous parts. But things are moving in a completely new universe with new territories, respectively cards. In Heroes V used into certain parameters as in the third and fourth games. But in general before you start playing, it is advisable to get acquainted with the organization of the game with this review and video review on the Internet. The game Heroes 5 play, of course, does not cost anything, but you need to download Heroes of Might and Magic 5.

But not a few ideas copied from the game Heroes of Might and Magic 4. Not a continuation as a new story with new characters. Game Heroes of Might and Magic V is developed by a Russian company, and published by the French. Like all previously issued series of the game Heroes of Might and Magic, Heroes V game is an updated version of turn-based games.

Heroes of Might and Magic 5 - computer strategy game.