Simply click a color or black & white test page and it will prompt your printer! Our test pages work on any type of printer like laser printers, inkjet printers, LED printers and any non-impact printers. Printer will not print when I have to use Windows 10 print menu When I print a Windows Printer Test Page using the Samsung M2885FW laser printer, on the laptop computer I receive the following information: The Windows 10 Print Menu is a black screen with white lettering.Print Quality Troubleshooting Tool Home page » Issues on » cyan test page » magenta test page » yellow test page » black test page Before starting to troubleshoot your issue, check the printer control panel to see if it displays any messages to order or replace supplies. (See image below.) – The original PDF document does not have the black background (See image How to Resolve PDF Black Background Printing Issue : Document ID:HO3651 PDF Black Background Printing Black Background printing issue Solution Overview – When you try to print a PDF document, the output shows a black background. Ink saver tip How to print content in black and white colors on Microsoft Edge We may earn a commission for purchases using our links.Press the Windows key on the keyboard and the letter X at the same time. Select Printer Properties from the pop-up menu or right-click the printer driver icon and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Right-click on the corresponding printer driver icon. my alignment page prints fine but the printer doesn’t recognize the alignment page.The printer diagnostic suggests everything is a ok, but the printer still prints blank pages when printing from the computer. Printer “prints” but page is blank 11-15-2011 11:47 AM My print a test page prints in all colors. By using a known test image, you can get a ‘feel’ for a paper/ink combination, which I often prefer to use for new works over any ‘soft proofing’ set-up. The test image below is based on two of my landscape pictures that show up different aspects of B/W print quality.